Achille Sorrentino and Giulia Domenica Princi My Great Grandparents

I had a really tough time finding Achille.  I knew that this had to be my great grandfather’s name, as my dad’s oldest brother was Achille and his parents followed the Italian naming convention to the letter.    I was searching the Antenati, without luck, and part of my contract with Bella Italian Genealogy was to help find this link.  They came through early last year and found the records below.  Other than knowing from the records that he was an attorney and where he lived, There is not to much to say.  Suffice it to say, I had no clue as to the name of my great grandmother.

Birth Record of Achille Sorrentino

Basic translation: On Dec 13 1842 Vincenzo Sorrentino age 20 and living at Vico Longo  28 in Naples presented a male named Achille Maria Luccio Aniello from his legitimate wife Maria Michela Longo.  Witnessed by Don Giuseppe  ??? age 52 Doctor of Letters Living at number 78 Vico Luongo a Carbonara and Francesco Di Maria age 41 a servant living at Vico Giganti number 15.

Birth Record of Domenica Princi

Basic Translation: On Feb 21 1855 Don Francesco Prince age 30 strada??? number 38 presented a female named Giulia Domenica Luisa Arcangela Maria from his legitimate wife Donna Caterina Martre.  Witnessed by Don Guglielmo Carafa of the Dukes of Andrea??  age 40 a property owner living on Strada San Livorno?? 78.  And Don Pasquale ?? age 30 a civil employee  living on Strada ?? number 9

Descendants of Achille Sorrentino and Giulia Domenica Princi


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