Ancient Italian Tribes — Picenians


I was asked to research the Picena by a member in my Facebook Group. I never heard of this tribe, so I thought let’s go for it!

There is not a lot written about them, as they were a small tribe and not around for a very long time.

What I did find was that they lived in a small area near the North Adriatic Sea ( see Pice on the map ). They were in the area from the 9th through the 3rd Centuries BC and reached there peak during the 5th and 6th Centuries BC.

Over the centuries they mixed with the Celts from the north, the maritime Siracusani of Dionisio and the Etruscans.

They had fully developed agricultural system and commercial economy. They were also very good artisans. Eventually, Rome took them on in battle in 268 BC.

The mythology around them is that a woodpecker ( picus lat. ) led them to the land Picenum. Thus they are known as those of the woodpecker.

Men and Women dressed in wool. Men had weapons and ornaments of bronze and iron and women had bracelets, girdles and ornamental pendants.

There are people today with the name Piceni. One has to think that they may be descendants from this ancient tribe.


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