Growing Up Italian American

Growing Up Italian American is a super book by Dr. Ferdinand Visco.  Dr. V. gives us an inside look into the Baratta and Visco families that came to America to make a better life, and live the American dream.  They had a goal for their children and grandchildren, many of whom became pharmacists and doctor’s.  What is especially amazing, is that Dr. V. and I came from the same small town College Point, in Queens NYC!  We lived only about a mile away, and never met, until we found each other on Facebook.

Dr. V gives the stories of his grandparents and parents and the values they instilled on their children.  How they started businesses and became well known in their communities.  While they never lost sight of their roots, they believed in America and it’s values.

Like most Italian American kids that grew up in the 40’s and 50’s, we share many of the same experiences, especially the food.  Although Dr. V is a bit older than me, we can relate to so much.  For example, we went to the same school, same church, knew the same teachers and priests.  I must have walked past his home 1000 times, by Chisolm’s Park.  And I know I went into his dad’s Pharmacy.  Three things that hit home was his going to 42nd St with his mom and eating at the Automat.  My dad worked for the NY Daily News and he would take me there too.  Also, going to Corona to buy Italian food.  They were shopping around the corner from my grandmother’s home.

Dr. V also talks about his experience in Med School in Italy ( I recently found a distant cousin that related similar stories ).  He also worked at Flushing, St. John’s, St. Vincent’s Bronx Lebanon to name but a few.  Some of his doctor stories are quite amusing. 

Whether you grew up in NYC, Philly, Boston or any other immigrant Italian neighborhood in the world, this book is for you.

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