Italian Surnames — Imperiale

Imperiale COA

Italian: from Latin imperialis ‘imperial’, either denoting someone of aristocratic lineage or a nickname for a haughty person.The Imperial family, formerly called Tartaro, descends from the counts of Ventimiglia and originates from Conrad, brother of Adalbert King of Italy and Otto, son of Emperor Begorio II the Lombard.

The Imperial family, formerly called Tartaro, descends from the counts of Ventimiglia and originates from Conrad, brother of Adalbert King of Italy and Otto, son of Emperor Begorio II the Lombard.

In 1308 Emperor Andronius II granted the imperial surname to the Tartar and Mangiavacca families; The Mangiavacca became extinct, the Tartar family was called by way only Imperial, Imperialis or Imperial. He enjoyed nobility in Genoa, where together with 28 other noble families now extinct, he formed the Imperial Hotel, in Milan, Vicenza and Naples, where it was aggregated in 1743 to the Neapolitan Patriziato of The seat of Capuanaand, after the abolition of the seats (1800), in the Book of Neapolitan gold.

Copyright © 2007

From Libro d’Oro Princes of Sant’Angelo

From Nobility of Naples


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