The Journey Home — Day 6 — Torre del Greco and Boscotrecase

The original plan for today was to make a quick late morning stop to the cemetery in Cercola to see where my great-grandfather, Nicola Piromallo was buried. However, at the lunch on June 4th my Zio Nicola (more about that later) told me that he wanted us to visit family in Torre del Greco. So we were able to work that into the schedule.

Cercola is about 30 minutes from Naples and it was were my grandparents lived before coming to America and three of my dad’s older siblings were born there. So the anticipation was high. As we drove through the streets I could almost sense their presence.

We were met outside the cemetery gate by Nicola and his daughter Nadia and he led us to the spot were my great grandfather and his grandfather, grandmother, mother, father and aunt are interred. He also showed us the old Piromallo crypt that was sold by my second great-grandfather Saverio Giovanni Piromallo. Apparently, Saverio like gambling and women and sold off much of his inheritance.

Now a little about how Nicola in my zio even though he is my dad’s first cousin and younger then me. My great-grandfather remarried in 1913 after my great-grandmother passed away. His second wife was only 30 years old and had two children Emilia and Anna both born a few years before my dad. Nicola is the son of Anna and therefore my 1st cousin once removed. The custom in Naples is that out of respect you refer to your parents 1st cousin as zio or zia. Hence, Nicola is my zio! I would add that up until a few months ago I did not know about Nicola.

For the trip to Torre del Greco, Nicola wanted me to ride in his car with Nadia. During the short ride, we were able to tell each other about family events and I learned that my grandmother’s youngest brother, Giovanni settled in Torre del Greco and that another brother Edoardo was an admiral and settled in Taranto Calabria.

When we arrive we are met by zia Ida, zia Elide the daughters of my grandmother’s brother and zia Antoinetta who was married to their brother. We were greeted like long lost family with hugs and kisses and great big smiles. I have to say I was quite overwhelmed. They immediately started to pull out photos of my grandparents, cousins and even my parents wedding, with my grandmother’s handwriting on the back. And, to top it off, they even knew family gossip from the 1960’s! I was blown away to say the least. Zia Antoinetta then calls her son Giovanni in San Diego so I can talk to him.

After all of that catching up, we were led into the kitchen to have some home made sausage and cheese pastry, which I was told I a Piromallo recipe, pastries and limoncello.

We were completely surprised by all off this and felt like we went back in time and were sitting around a Sunday dinner table. I cannot express how comfortable and relaxed we were and loved being united with family.

Our next stop was the Sorrentino Winery ( no relation ) in Boscotrecase on the slopes of Vesuvius. I have been anticipating this for quite some time and they did not disappoint. Besides a respite from the heat in Naples, the view was amazing.

We had a light lunch and sampling of five different wines. Great appetizer, followed by spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce and cake filled with jam made on the premises. We bought six bottles to ship home, but don’t despair you can order online for shipping to the USA here.

If you are in the Naples area, I highly recommend a trip to the vineyard.

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