Most Popular Italian Surnames – Lombardo

Lombardo COA

Number 17 Italian Surname Lombardo

Number 17 on the list of most popular Italian Surnames — Lombardo. No surprise here as the name means someone from Lombardy. The Nobility of Naples shows the family going back to Padua to 1295. They have several noble branches in Naples. Several branches are listed in the Libro d’Oro You can read more in the links below. It’s very possible that you have noble roots if your last name is Lombardo. Note: A coat of arms is given to an individual not a family.

Lombardi is a geographical surname for someone who came from Lombardy, a region in northern Italy which got its name from the Lombards, a Germanic tribe who invaded in the 6th century. The name also sometimes was used to denote immigrants from other parts of northern Italy. Even today, the name is most prevalent in the city of Milano in Lombardia, Italy.

The Lombardi surname is found most prevalently in Italy, according to surname distribution data from Forebears, where it ranks as the 20th most common last name in the country. It is also somewhat common in Argentina and Brazil. In the United States, Lombardi families are found in greatest numbers in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Surname data from WorldNames PublicProfiler also demonstrates the prevalence of the Lombardi surname in Italy. Although the name originated in Lombardia, the numbers are now greatest in the Molise region, followed by Basilicata, Toscana, Campania, Puglia, Lazio and then Lombardia. Lombardi is also a fairly common name in Tessin, Switzerland.

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Lombardo Links

Lombardo Link from Ancestry

Lombardo Link from Forbears

Lombardo Link from Nobility of Naples

Lombardo Link 1 from Libro d’Oro

Lombardo Link 2 from Libro d’Oro

Lombardo COA
Lombardo COA
Lombardo COA
Lombardo COA


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