Happy Valentines Day

St Valentine

I remember growing that St.Valentines day was always a fund in parochial school. The nuns would allow us to exchange Valentine’s and purchase candy. In fact, I’m still in contact with my fifth grade Valentine. In 1969, St. Valentine was removed from the General Roman Calendar, because so little about him can be confirmed. However he is still listed as a saint.

He was the Bishop of Terni, Narnia and Amelia when he was arrested for the first time. The judge presented his blind daughter and requested that Valentine restore her vision. It is told that he placed his hands on her eyes and restored her sight. As a result, the judge and his family converted and he released all the Christian prisoners.

He was arrested again for trying to convert people to Christianity and brought before Emperor Claudius II. After several attempts to convert the Emperor he became so outraged that he sentenced Valentine to death by being beaten to death and beheaded. 

It is unclear as to the exact year that this occurred but it is believed to have been February 14th 269. 

It is thought that the romantic nature of the feast day occurred during the Middle Ages when it was believed that birds coupled in mid-February.

Valentine is the patron saint of couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers, and young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses and his feast day is celebrated on February 14.  

The post Happy Valentines Day appeared first on Italian Genealogy.


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